This powerful video takes you inside the trauma burn unit of a major medical center where doctors, nurses, and therapists work to save and treat victims of burn injuries. These medical experts describe the procedures they perform to keep their patients alive, beginning the long road to recovery from painful, and often preventable, burn injuries. Fire injury is one of the most debilitating and painful experiences a person can endure, and the effects of a severe burn can last a lifetime. Every year, thousands of children are injured or killed in such accidents.
In an Instant presents an unflinching look at several young burn survivors as they describe the painful process of healing, treatment, and therapy, and learn how one simple mistake can lead to a lifetime of pain, disability and disfigurement. As these boys and girls relate their heartbreaking stories, young audiences will soon understand the consequences of their own actions. Teachers, firefighters, and police officers will find this program invaluable as a teaching tool, and caregivers will learn how to provide a safer environment for their wards.
The lesson to be learned by everyone is simple: the only true remedy to burn injury is prevention. In addition to the above program, this video also includes an 10 minute edited version.
10 minute edition version available for steaming. Click on USCREEN TV. See Safety category.
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